Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Conclusion and Self Assessment

    I've learned a lot about different kinds of new technology over the course of this semester in school.  This new knowledge has piqued my interest to find new ways to use technology in my classroom, in my future library, and in my personal life.  I have already shared new things I've learned with my technologist, who in turn, shares with me!  I have asked to have a Promethean board in my classroom next year and plan to use it daily.  I think what has happened is I’ve gained the knowledge and courage, I suppose, to try new technologies instead of just talking about trying them.
    I've thought about how to keep up with the new innovations in technology, in order to be a more effective teacher and future media specialist.  Several things came to mind- keep lines of communication open with the school technologist and media specialists from my school and other schools, try out technology ideas mentioned in listserv emails, and read articles about new technology ideas in journals related to education, librarianship or technology.  I plan to create a database, which organizes the technology into categories useful to teachers, students and myself. 
    Although I've always been a fan of technology in the classroom, the idea of implementing the new technologies into my elementary school lessons and future library “lessons” is exciting! I've already spoken to a 5th grade teacher about students using Googledocs and Wikkis to create collaborative documents for projects; I’ve shared a research idea with kindergarten that helps them research in an appropriate way for children of their age group; I'm in the process of creating a Qlubb site in order to organize a group of volunteers to help with a “Garden Clean Up” event at school, and let’s not forget that awesome Promethean board!


  1. What is Qlubb?? Sounds exciting. I'm going to have to look into this. This is exactly one way I plan on finding out about new technologies--creeping on colleagues' blogs to see what new things they're trying. ;)

  2. Glad you asked. Yes, this is a great way to share information.Qlubb is a social network, but it's a bit like a Wikkispace. Groups can organize events using this site. The organizer can create a calendar of events,set up a sign-in sheet, send invitations and receive RSVP's. The participant can log on and review the calendar, sign up to volunteer, etc. I can see how this could be used by a librarian for something like a book fair, book sale or something like technology trainings. A teacher could use the space for assignments like science fair or group projects, so students could organize themselves over time and collaborate with team members. You should definitely check it out. site
